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A transformative program to unlock your unique strengths

For high-achievers like you, it’s next-level frustrating to look at your results and know they don’t truly reflect who you are.
Both in your personal life and your career. You know you can achieve great things. You know you have the talent, the drive, and the desire. But you keep getting in your own way and it keeps you from operating at your best.
You’re ready for more intentionality. You want to make choices consciously and take control in high-impact moments, so everything you’ve trained, practiced, and worked for, shows up brilliantly in your life and career.

Overcome Imposter Syndrome. Perform At Your Best. Achieve Your Greatest Ambitions.

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"Standing out as confident women often clashes with what we've been taught growing up, yet it unlocks the doorway to tapping into our inner wisdom and strength.

The Be A Rare Diamond™ coaching program goes beyond surface-level change, cultivating the tools within you to leverage your innate strengths and transform your life from the core.

While traditional leadership resources might instruct on the mechanics of leading, they fall short in guiding you through an inner transformation or in providing the accountability necessary to apply new tools effectively – something I am committed to.

"Join me, and let's embark on this journey together."

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In most cases, it’s your own self doubts, the worries you were brought up with, the stories you have told yourself, and judgments, that have moulded who you have become. They effectively keep you from achieving your most ambitious goals.
A single frustration or problem can stop you in your tracks and leave you wondering what went wrong for years to come.
The natural reaction is to try and push through. To devise a plan and force yourself to come at your goal head-on and push through what’s holding you back.
But if you want to face challenges with grit, make choices with intentionality, and accomplish goals with grace, you need the tools we share, fighting alone is a losing battle.
Why? Because your unconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind. What you need is a reliable game plan to get out of your own way, so you can:
  • Speak up in the boardroom
  • Negotiate for what you want
  • Deliver an exceptional performance
  • Believe you can achieve anything
  • Navigate a difficult conversation
  • And conquer your fears
The good news is you already have a superpower inside of you to help you achieve your greatest ambitions: your creative imagination. It’s time to unleash it and reap the rewards

Your creative imagination
is key to overcoming many challenges - we will help you discover a whole boardroom of support

Remember playing pretend as a child?
Maybe you called on your inner warrior to conquer the playground. Or you became a CEO while organising a group project. Or you transformed into a mentor to guide your team through a challenge.
As women in leadership roles, it's important to tap into the power of your imagination. Society may dismiss the idea of "playing pretend" as immature, but don't be fooled. Your creative imagination holds valuable insights and solutions.
Your alter egos, your inner leader and board members, who hold those hidden strengths and personas, are eagerly waiting for you to unleash them onto the playing field of leadership.

Using the proven Be A Rare Diamond™ Coaching Program, you can tap into the imagination-driven behavior you used as a child in a methodical way — building your own tools to thrive

People have been using story telling for millennia to help them reach peak levels of performance. These stories help us exhibit bold courage and make choices we ordinarily struggle with, so you can see real, lasting results. This isn’t about fighting your imposter head on. It’s about opening a door which quietens those negative, unconscious thoughts. While the concept of leadership coaching isn’t new, Kaidi has created a space for women to grow internally to develop a powerful presence and self confidence externally.


The coaching program won’t turn you into someone you’re not. It’s not a method to “fake it ‘til you make it.”

Instead, it will help you uncover the gifts already inside you. In this program, you’ll drill straight into the power of your subconscious and tap into your CORE self, so you can make success inevitable — whether it’s at home, in your business, on stage, or anywhere else in your life.
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“I used this exact strategy to go from being too shy to speak up to appearing on stage. This is truly what elite professionals do to win”.

It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now and I know what it feels like to be held back by an inexplicable pull to play small.

Over the past 7 years as a coach. I've helped hundreds of women (and men) through this process to become the leader they want to be. 

Whether self-employed or part of an organisation, these leadership tools change lives and I love making a difference from my home by the sea in Cornwall. 

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I support you throughout the program

At BE A RARE DIAMOND™ we understand the weight of imposter syndrome – that nagging doubt in your abilities, the fear of being 'exposed' as a fraud, and the relentless pursuit of perfection that seems always just out of reach. We've felt the paralysis it can bring to making decisions, stepping into new opportunities, and realising our own worth. But imagine a world where these doubts no longer hold you back. Envision stepping into your potential with confidence, owning your accomplishments fully, and navigating challenges with resilience, knowing you're more than capable.

Our signature program is designed to transform that vision into reality. Through a proven system that blends practical strategies with deep, personal insights, we guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. We've been where you are, wading through the murky waters of insecurity and self-doubt. It's precisely our journey through these challenges and emerging stronger on the other side that positions us uniquely to guide you.

As your coach, I'm not just a bystander; I'm a fellow traveler who's navigated the path of overcoming imposter syndrome firsthand.

With BE A RARE DIAMOND™ you'll learn to recognise your inherent value, quiet the imposter's voice, and step into your light. Transcend the imposter syndrome, embrace your achievements, and let your true brilliance shine. Together, we'll ensure that the life you've dreamed of – one filled with confidence, success, and fulfillment – becomes your reality. Let's embark on this transformative journey, where you emerge not just as a participant in your story but as its triumphant author.

Elevate Your Leadership: Discover the Imposter Be Gone Guide and Assessment

Feeling like an imposter can cast a shadow over your leadership brilliance. But what if you could shine with the confidence and clarity of a rare diamond? It’s your time to rise above self-doubt and unleash the exceptional leader within. Introducing the 'Imposter Be Gone Guide and Assessment,' exclusively on the Be A Rare Diamond™ program.

Are You Ready to Dazzle?

 The 'Imposter Be Gone Guide and Assessment' is your first step towards embracing the rare diamond you truly are in the world of leadership.

Sign up now and transition from questioning your worth to owning your power. Let's transform that imposter syndrome into unstoppable confidence. Your leadership journey of brilliance starts here.

Why Sign Up?

Personalised Insight: The 'Imposter Be Gone Assessment' tailors to your unique experiences, offering you a mirror to see your leadership strengths and areas for glow-up.

Actionable Strategies: Your guide is packed with proven strategies, crafted to help you break free from the imposter syndrome and step into your leadership power.

Sign Up Now & Begin Your Transformation

Dare to be rare. Sparkle unapologetically.

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“I used this exact strategy to go from being too shy to speak up to appearing on TV . This is truly what elite professionals do to win”.
Emma PhD student
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Journal Yourself To Financial Wellbeing 

"The Power Within"

Is a transformative guide that illuminates the path to financial enlightenment and empowerment by tapping into your most valuable asset—yourself. Just as a rare diamond is formed under pressure, this book recognises that your greatest financial strengths are forged in the depths of your challenges and experiences.

Through guided journaling, this book helps you unearth the rich reserves of wisdom and resilience lying dormant within you. It's not just about managing money; it's about understanding how your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions shape your financial landscape. Each page serves as a step in your journey of self-discovery, helping you to carve out a life of abundance, freedom, and wellbeing.

Downloadable E -Book

Download our free guided visualisation and start building your beliefs towards the success you deserve

Diamond Mirror Visualisation 

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