Diamond Synergy Waitlist


Breaking the Glass Ceiling: From Bank Manager to Trailblazer leadership Apr 29, 2024

Navigating the corporate ladder in the banking sector was a journey that tested my resilience, determination, and belief in the potential for change within traditionally male-dominated industries.

The glass ceiling, an invisible yet palpably restrictive barrier to my advancement, was made more...

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Why Not Learning to Sell Might Mean Coaching Career Suicide coaching business sales Feb 04, 2024

Why Not Learning to Sell Might Mean Coaching Career Suicide

Revolving doors only go as far as you push them, and the same goes for your coaching career. Many coaches enter the field with a passion for helping others. While this nurturing inclination is indeed the soul of coaching, neglecting the...

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Be The Coach You Were Meant To Be - Creating Your Plan coaching business coaching life Jan 30, 2024

Every blog I read said I should have a message to share with the world. But I didn't. Was I destined to fail, I wondered? I became a coach because I loved coaching in the workplace. After ten years of coaching in an organisation, I saw first-hand the transformation it creates. I wanted to expand...

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"The Brutal Truth About Choosing a Niche in Coaching" Jan 30, 2024

Sure thing, here is a blog post titled "The Brutal Truth About Choosing a Niche in Coaching":

The Brutal Truth About Choosing a Niche in Coaching

Imagine stepping into a huge marketplace, filled to the brim with vendors trying to sell their products. Now picture yourself as a vendor, screaming...

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