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Be The Coach You Were Meant To Be - Creating Your Plan

coaching business coaching life Jan 30, 2024

Every blog I read said I should have a message to share with the world. But I didn't. Was I destined to fail, I wondered? I became a coach because I loved coaching in the workplace. After ten years of coaching in an organisation, I saw first-hand the transformation it creates. I wanted to expand on this.

Initially, try to put self-judgement to one side and aim high, higher than you dare, be audacious with your goals, and believe in what's possible. Whatever you do, don't get caught or paralysed in the comparison trap. Remember, NOBODY can be you as well as you can be! FACT.

But you do need to get crystal clear on the message you want to share with the world. - What message, I remember thinking - I didn't have a message. But it turned out I did, I just didn't know it yet, and that's OK.

The coach manuals said to look at the world around you. What is its state? How do people see themselves and their place in the world? What's missing from that picture? This information will help guide your choice of message you put into the world. What voice do you want to add to the conversation about positive change in our society or culture—or simply about how we can all live more meaningful lives?

None of this resonated! - What did resonate was helping leaders be better at leading teams so team members can enjoy their roles and be supported to grow their careers, particularly women, after 20 years in corporate being held back. I wanted to help women climb the career ladder.

If you have a specialist coaching area or a previous career, utilise it and show how you can stand out from all the other specialists. What's different about you? What is your lived experience? How can your knowledge help, and what is your grasp of the real lives impacted by this area?

The next step is clarifying your message—and, by extension, the purpose of your service—that you want to share with the world. This might mean writing a mission statement or objectives for yourself as an individual coach or business leader (for example: "To inspire others through my actions and words"). Or it might involve establishing a broader vision for what kind of change needs to happen (for example: "We need more managers who actively encourage diversity and inclusion within their teams"). Whatever direction feels suitable for your future, remember one thing: Be sure that it doesn't just resonate with you but is something you are super passionate about and knowledgeable about. So if I asked you could stand up and speak about the topic right now! You would be on the nearest poofy.

Equally, remember nothing is forever unless you make it that way. You can always pivot, restart, or rebrand.

This is how it happens:

"Trust that you have all the answers within you.

Share your message in a way that feels true to who you are and how you were meant to share it.

Prioritise what brings you joy. More fun will come, and opportunities that support your goals and values!"

Create space for inspiration to come through—things like meditation, journaling, or just walking outside can help get those creative juices flowing again when our minds feel overwhelmed by stress or anxiety over being unable to figure things out on our own. Ask for help, get a mentor, join a collaborative group, and just be authentic.

NOPE: Get real. Being a coach is one thing, but if you want to be a profitable coach, you need to start a business. Self-employed/sole trader is fine. CIC, Limited Company. It doesn't matter which, but all businesses need to be planned and have a strategy - START with writing a business plan, like any other service business - FAILING TO PLAN IS PLANNING TO FAIL.

Your inner guidance knows exactly what to do. Of course, it doesn't - There is a link below, to get you started on a Business Plan, and if you subscribe, you can have access to my Trello Board with lots of free help like a cash flow forecast and how to choose your pricing.

It is true - You are the expert on your life, so trust your instincts. If you're feeling off course and confused, go back to the basics: look within yourself for the answers. Your inner wisdom is always present, so listen carefully and notice when it's speaking to you. —either way, trust your gut! Or better still, trust someone who has been in your shoes and has PROVEN success.

Sometimes you might be doing all this, and yet it feels too slow (OH YES-That was me). Consider getting professional help from someone who can guide you through any challenging periods with compassion and respect. Remember, a Business Mentor might cost more, but it is an allowable Business Expense, so you are not paying; your business is footing the bill.

AS A BUSINESS OWNER - revise your plan, look at other revenue streams, increase your fees, mystery shop your competitors, and work on your business instead of within it coaching for at least one or half a day a week.

Have Patience

In the beginning, I created a lead magnet and a funnel and an amazing course "You Unlimited" (which is now my best-seller), but I didn't have patience. When my first course only had 6 sign-ups, and my second only ten. I believed I had to do more and kept reinventing the wheel. The course, the package, getting more qualifications, adding more skills and goodies, and yet five years later. After being a Mindset Coach, a Leadership Coach, and a Career Coach. Running three companies, Leaders With Nails, Synergise Coaching, Kaidi-Coaching, and finally setting up UKCT-Academy and writing a book. I am back where I started, doing what I knew I was most passionate about: helping women (and men) be more confident. I am even back to my original Brand Colours. All I can say is TRUST your choices and invest in them, advertise, market them, and tweak them if necessary, but don't reinvent before you have given it every opportunity.

Share your message in a way that feels true to you.

"You have to be who you are to succeed, not copying others."

If you love writing, be a Blogger, or better still, write a book. If you love chatting on camera and look great, work on videos. If you are good at social media and capturing life for reels to create posts, build a following - If you follow your passion, your passion shines through. Copying others, you will get lost and feel overwhelmed and likely miss the joy in your work.

Create space for inspiration to come through.

If you're unsure where to go next, ask for help. The right people can give you great advice, and they might even be able to point out something that will change your business forever. Don't just stick to other coaches, ask the bank, the chamber of commerce, and local businesses. Remember, you are not only a coach but an entrepreneur.

Coaches would say things like "Let go of expectations about how it 'should look,' and trust that it will be exactly as it needs to be." "You don't need to know exactly how it will happen. Trust that it will be exactly as it needs to be." "You have all the answers within you, and they are straightforward — they require action on your part to unfold them."

As a bank manager for over twenty years, I can tell you. The Best Businesses cannot succeed if the owners work in the business and omit to work "On" the business consistently, or if the owner is not confident enough to shout above the noisy marketplace about how bespoke or fantastic their service is. Share reviews, share success stories, share facts about your success, and enter awards. If you don't believe in your business, who WILL?

There are so many people waiting to hear your message! But you have to share a secret.....

Yours is the unique perspective that can help them overcome challenges and achieve their goals. You have an essential message that gives meaning to their lives, answers questions they haven't even thought of yet and helps them take action towards making positive changes in themselves and society at large.

The secret is "you." Building trust and rapport is great and we do this through social media or networking but people also need to know you understand their pain, you get them, and to do this, you have to share a few "secrets" along the way!


If you're feeling overwhelmed, know that you're not alone. I know what it's like to have all these ideas in your head and not be sure how to bring them to fruition. But when you lean into the process of writing your business plan, capturing what matters to you and prioritising it, the rest will fall into place! The most important thing is not to get too caught up in all the details of what your life should look like (or how many followers or likes or whatever), but instead, focus on creating a prosperous business strategy and then following it.

Your inner guidance knows precisely what to do. Of course, it doesn't - Here's a link to get you started on a Business Plan and if you subscribe you can have access to my Trello Board with lots of free help like a cash flow forecast and how to choose your pricing.

Subscribe to my email list to get my weekly blog in your inbox along with special offers and discounts HERE 

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