Performance Coaching With Kaidi 


Unlock high performance, smash your  glass ceiling and feel more fulfilled  


"I will support you to re-discover your confidence and keep you accountable towards a fulfilling career or profitable business"

What brought you here?

Are you an aspiring high performer dreaming of a successful and fulfilling career and life, yet are falling short of realising your full potential?

Do you feel stuck in your current role? Have you reached a peak with nowhere to go?  considering other options? Perhaps you're looking for ways to get more out of your current position.


I will coach you towards...

Building blocks with hand

Understanding Your Values

Our values are fundamental to who we are. We must build our careers around our core principles. It's only from this place that we can begin to experience true job satisfaction and fulfilment.

Watering can with heart

Assessing Your Strengths

We need to understand not only what we're good at, but what our strengths can bring us in terms of joy and fulfilment. Utilising your strengths is the first building block towards growth and progression. Discovering and celebrating your unique qualities

Dominoes falling over

Evaluating Opportunities

It's natural to feel stuck in your career or life from time to time. Once you start considering other possibilities for the career path you're on, that sense of feeling trapped evaporates. It's through this exploration that you start to get a sense of what lights you up, sparking the transformation you're seeking.

Right now are you thinking...

"I feel stuck in my current role, unsure of how to move forward."

"Does my career really reflect who I am and what I value?"

"Changing careers now seems like an impossible task."

"Having been in this role for so long, the thought of change is overwhelming."

"I’ve focused so much on my career, I’ve never really considered what my core values are."

"I need to be more confident in setting and maintaining boundaries at work."

"My motivation at work has dwindled, and I'm not sure how to reignite it."

"I want to find fulfillment in my work, but I don’t know where to start."

"Imposter syndrome makes me doubt my accomplishments and abilities."

"Deep down, I don’t feel like I deserve my current position or achievements."


Where will we focus?  


Develop practices that not only boost your performance but also empower you to tackle challenges head-on.


I'm here to help you gain the attention and presence needed to turn your dreams into reality. 


Let's fine-tune your personal and professional aspirations, creating a clear pathway to the future you desire. 


Together, we'll identify and dismantle the barriers holding you back, paving the way for progress and growth.  


Regularly experience the state of Flow, whether in demanding peak performance scenarios or in daily life, to enhance peace and happiness.

Outcomes You Can Expect Working Together

When we join forces, my goal is to empower you to:

Navigate Your Career Path Confidently -

Break free from feeling stuck and open doors to advancement opportunities that excite you.

Align Your Career with Your True Values 

Craft a professional life that not only fulfills you but also reflects your deepest values and passions.

Transition Seamlessly to a Career that Ignites Your Passion 

Overcome the hesitations and fears of change, making a successful leap into a career that brings you joy and motivation.

Reinvent and Adapt with Agility 

Transform your professional identity to embrace new challenges and opportunities, leveraging your existing skills in exciting new ways.

Clarify and Honor Your Core Values 

Gain deep insights into your personal values to make informed decisions that steer your career and personal growth.

Assertively Set and Maintain Work Boundaries 

Learn to firmly establish and communicate your boundaries, ensuring your well-being and fostering mutual respect in the workplace.

Rediscover Your Work Motivation and Passion 

Reignite the spark that drives your professional life, finding renewed enthusiasm and purpose in your work.

Achieve Genuine Fulfillment in Your Professional Journey

Work towards a career that not only meets your goals but feels meaningful and rewarding on a personal level.

Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Embrace Your Achievements 

Tackle the doubts of imposter syndrome head-on, recognising and valuing your accomplishments and rightful place in your field.

Recognise and Celebrate Your Worth and Successes 

Shift your perspective to see and celebrate your true worth, feeling deservedly proud of what you've achieved.

Together, we'll tackle these challenges head-on, paving the way for a career and life you love and deserve.

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"Unlock Your Inner Brilliance: Embrace Coaching, Empowerment, and Personal Growth"

Are you ready to shine as a rare diamond and unleash your full potential in life and leadership? We have a special offer tailored just for you! Our comprehensive package combines expert coaching sessions, a powerful book, and a transformative Positive Intelligence PQ program to help you reach new heights of success, resilience, and personal growth.

1. Professional Coaching for Lasting Transformation:

Our offer includes four personalised coaching sessions conducted by experienced and certified professionals. These sessions will focus on guiding you through a journey of self-discovery, personal empowerment, and leadership enhancement. Our coaches will provide valuable insights, practical strategies, and unwavering support as you navigate your path to extraordinary achievement.

  1. "Be a Rare Diamond" Book: Your Guide to Unleashing Brilliance:

With this offer, you'll gain exclusive access to the acclaimed book, "Be a Rare Diamond," written by renowned thought leader Kaidi Bowen. Delve into its pages to uncover a treasure trove of wisdom, inspiring stories, and actionable steps to cultivate your inner spark, overcome challenges, and excel in your personal and professional life. This book is your blueprint for becoming a rare and exceptional leader.

  1. Positive Intelligence PQ Program: A Journey toward Mental Fitness:

We are proud to include the transformative Positive Intelligence PQ program in this exclusive offer. Developed by Shirzad Chamine, this program combines cutting-edge neuroscience, positive psychology, and mindset training to enhance your mental fitness and emotional resilience. Navigate through powerful exercises, engage in brain-changing practices, and develop the mental muscle necessary to overcome self-sabotaging patterns and reach your full potential.

Why choose our comprehensive package?

  • Experience a holistic approach: Our offer combines coaching, a powerful book, and the Positive Intelligence PQ program for a comprehensive and transformative journey towards personal growth and success.

  • Personalised guidance: Our certified coaches understand that each individual is unique, providing tailored sessions to address your specific needs, goals, and challenges.

  • Evidence-based methodologies: We integrate the latest findings from neuroscience, positive psychology, and leadership development to ensure you have access to cutting-edge strategies that yield real results.

  • Unlock your brilliance: Engage in powerful exercises, practical techniques, and mindset shifts to awaken your inner brilliance and unleash your full potential.

Don't miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and create lasting change! Grab our exclusive offer today and embark on a journey of personal growth, leadership development, and empowerment.

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