I know it's important for you to know how others have benefitted from coaching as an indication of what you can expect working with me.

You can check out our reviews from google, linkedin and from other websites all in one place here. 

Simon Knight - MD

Kaidi has been an amazing business coach to work with over the last 2yrs. 
Having a wealth of experience not just within the coaching environment but very much in business, she fully understands the difficulties and challenges that any new business faces. 
Kaidi has an understanding yet challenging way which in turn holds me accountable to delivering on the outcomes of our coaching sessions and has undoubtedly helped accelerate the growth of my business.
The fact that my business has grown so quickly is testament to the time I have spent with Kaidi sharing the day to day and longer term difficulties and also the many positives as we have gone on this journey together.
For those of you considering a business or life coach, or a coach for your business and its wider team, I cannot recommend Kaidi enough.

Neil Lewis -Director of People in Public Health Wales

Working with Kaidi has enhanced my work life balance.

I started coaching with Kaidi two years ago and I cannot recommend her highly enough. 

The Long Road Program has been a great return on our investment, providing in the moment support where needed, to identify blind spots and just bounce ideas around, to gain new head space. 

Kaidi has great empathy and extensive professional knowledge enabling me to gain powerful insights no matter what the coaching topic.

During our coaching together I have stepped up to a new role as
Director of People in Public Health Wales and Kaidi’s support has been invaluable. 

Kaidi is flexible and generous with her time, she uses a variety of tools from NLP, coaching and mentoring which mean I'm getting the support I need and she keeps me accountable. 

Kaidi’s style brings, clarity, balance and challenge, she is able to support me with practical tools that support me in just the right measure.

Thanks Kaidi

Zoe harris - Director NHS

I am a Director in the NHS and I have received external coaching with Kaidi and it offered me time to really reflect on my leadership style - gaining greater insight into what it must be like to be on the receiving end of me. I was also able, with Kaidi's support, to further develop my coaching skills in order to play to my team's strengths and help them to be the best leaders they could be.

Kaidi helped me to look at the same situation with a variety of perspectives, and articulately explained various models and theories to underpin my leadership practice. Having tools which I could actually use in my senior leadership role was invaluable.

I went through a recruitment process whilst receiving Kaidi's coaching and her support with my preparation and presentation skills were hugely beneficial, I got the promotion.

I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Kaidi to anyone wanting to better understand their values, priorities and impact as a leader.


Adale Bates - Career Coaching

"Kaidi was my career coach post a very unexpected and difficult redundancy, after being employed since leaving school for the first time in my life I found myself questioning my career direction. Due to covid the recruitment market was poor and my sporadic approach to applying didn’t help. One particular session was ground breaking for me, Kaidi recognised I was losing confidence and gave me a real talking to instilling what factors had to be priorities in my search, she was kind with her words but gave me the prod I needed to recognise my career standard and worth. I followed her words and kept reverting to what I should be applying for and how to approach it and sure enough I landed the job I wanted, on the same level I had been made redundant from with an exciting company where I know I can make a difference. I cannot thank her enough she had a very kind way of telling me to keep going but approach it differently giving me reasons to help understand rejection on a professional not personal level. I would not hesitate to use her in the future.”

Emma Coote - Entrepreneur

Kaidi has helped me completely transform my work life (and by extension, my whole life!) by allowing me to discover my true values and ambitions. Her practical advice and expert knowledge has helped me develop strategies to eliminate the limiting beliefs that have been preventing me following the path that I truly want to follow. I highly recommend Kaidi to anyone hoping to reset their career and make some positive changes to achieve a better balance. 

MH - Business Owner

Working with UK Coach Training has been so helpful in more ways than I ever imagined before my 3 sessions with Kaidi.  Having an independent but very personable sounding board to discuss my 'head jumble' about business and life related topics has been just what I needed at this stage of my life.  Kaidi is a still voice of calm, providing thought provoking tips and strategies and our discussions have been both philosophical and fun and sometimes uncomfortable (in a good way).  It's been invaluable support and really helped my own decision making process and confidence. Thank you!'

Erica Sturdy - Voice Coach

If you are looking to change your career but have the 'fear', then i highly recommend Kaidi to get you on the right path. She gave me the boost I needed to set up my own company as a voice and public speaking coach. as my business goes from strength to strength I know I couldn't have got off the ground without her help.
Thank you Kaidi.

Juliet Williams - Head Of Lottery Funding

Joanne Milner - Career Coaching

Confidence boost.
I started off my career coaching sessions feeling very unconfident about my skills and experience and being very unsure about about marketing myself. I also didn't really know exactly what I wanted to do next with my life. Kaidi is very approachable and she really helped me come out of my shell, to open up to her and enabled me to discuss things I initially felt uncomfortable with. She helped me realise which direction I should be heading. She gave me lots of practical help on CVs, identifying skills, interview practice etc. But most of all she gave me confidence in myself and pride in my skills which led to an early success for the next stage of my life. 

Tina Saxena - Confidence Coaching

I was coached by Kaidi regarding some issues where I was a bit overwhelmed (to put it mildly) and she was able to sweetly and gently pull me out and in touch with my own inner resources to seek answers with her intuitive questions. I have taken some concrete, effective steps thanks to her guidance which have helped me progress towards my goals. 
When we think of doing things alone, we often waste a lot of time bumping around in the dark, sifting through stuff, trying different tacks, seeking clarity and focus, which we may or may not get for a long long time. A coach helps to get there much fater saving precious time and resources, uncovering hidden gold from within. Kaidi has been very helpful in my journey, most lovingly so, in fact we both happily agree that my focus and commitment have revved up! My Gratitude and Blessings to her.
If you're still considering, jump and see what happens. 

Kath Langley

I met Kaidi after redundancy, a time that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and underconfident. Kaidi achieves an awful lot in one session and I always, without fail, come away feeling 100 times better! She instinctively knows what is needed and how to help, and provides easy, practical solutions and inspiration. Kaidi's positivity is infectious and if you need help with your career, CV, LinkedIn, confidence, career wellbeing, or just want to thrive, I would highly recommend booking an appointment with Kaidi - she sees your potential and enables you to see it too.

Michael Eslami

I thought Kaidi Bowen would simply offer career advice, but the reality was she helped me uncover the key to unlock my limiting beliefs and the potential of our human spirit. If you are interested in exploring your true potential, to live a life without regrets, go to her with an open mind and heart. Be accountable, trust the process and take action. Good things will come of it ;-)

Kate Nokes - ICF Mentoring

Thank you so much for being an amazing mentor on my journey to the ACC accreditation. Just wanted to let you know I have passed the assessment and mentoring stage! Had some great feedback from the ICF which I am proud of. I am so grateful for our 10 mentoring sessions and your feedback and support in helping me to grow as a coach. Next step…the exam! Kate Nokes.

Gee, Lawyer - Coaching

"Kaidi exudes warmth and is so intuitive. She helped me make huge progress in our coaching together." 

Daniel Berry - Career Coaching

Hello to all

I want to share with you my experience of Synergise and in particular Kaidi Bowen. If you responded to the above hello you are probably a bit like me, creative, driven and good at your job but have real difficulty in communicating your skills in written form.

Worry no more as Kaidi can and will help!!!

In a very short time Kaidi transformed my awkward CV into a piece of work so beautiful and eloquent that after reading it I wanted to hire myself.
She is very personable and patient and went the extra mile at every opportunity.

Im also very please to say that I have secured work and with out any doubt she played a strong part in that.

Thanks Kaidi

Andy Neal - Lecturer/Entrepreneur

I saw Kaidi for Career Coaching
Kaidi – thanks for being honest. Thanks for not holding back on the difficult questions. Thanks for pushing me beyond what was comfortable without overwhelming me. Thanks for listening so well. Thanks for giving me space when I needed it. Thanks for believing in a point beyond my horizon – even when I couldn’t see it myself. Thanks for helping me reconnect with the things I love and helping me find language to redefine my career.

Anna Lewis - Social Worker

I highly recommend Kaidi at synergise coaching. She uses honesty, and empathy to help you identify your goals, and explore how to achieve them. Kaidi has helped me to dream bigger, and have confidence in my ability to achieve my goals.

J Paster Detmer MBA, CPCC - CPCC Certification

Kaidi is a generous, thought-provoking, and transformative coach.  She immediately established a relationship of trust that allowed me to access the deep (and sometimes dark at the time) places within me, resulting in powerful learnings and resilient, lasting choices.  As a result of our time, I am now the architect of my own life and how I experience it.  Within our coaching relationship, I deepened my understanding of who I am as a leader and further embraced my own style as an executive at a fortune 500 company, left that company on a high note and started my own successful business, and now live a fulfilling life as a fully present mom, wife, leader, wife, and friend.  It's the greatest investment of time and money I have ever given to not only myself -  but to my  teams, my family, and my friends.

J. Paster Detmer, MBA, CPCC

Anne Louise - Business Coaching


Kaidi is an amazing coach. I came to her to increase my confidence and she is so good at detecting when I am playing small. She uses real examples from life to show me that my limiting beliefs are not true. She is not afraid of telling it as it is. She believes in me and I can feel how she roots for me to succeed every time. If you are having trouble believing in yourself, then she is your person!!

David Garwood

I wasn't sure how helpful this was going to be for me, but I have to say it made a massive difference.
Even in a difficult situation, having to carry out all sessions remotely due to lock down, each session was full of useful information and given in a very accessible and empowering way.
Thanks for your help.

MH Business Owner

'Working with UK Coach Training has been so helpful in more ways than I ever imagined before my 3 sessions with Kaidi. Having an independent but very personable sounding board to discuss my 'head jumble' about business and life related topics has been just what I needed at this stage of my life. Kaidi is a still voice of calm, providing thought provoking tips and strategies and our discussions have been both philosophical and fun and sometimes uncomfortable (in a good way). It's been invaluable support and really helped my own decision making process and confidence. Thank you!'

Daniel Berry - Career Coaching

Hello to all

I want to share with you my experience of Synergise and in particular Kaidi Bowen. If you responded to the above hello you are probably a bit like me, creative, driven and good at your job but have real difficulty in communicating your skills in written form.

Worry no more as Kaidi can and will help!!!

In a very short time Kaidi transformed my awkward CV into a piece of work so beautiful and eloquent that after reading it I wanted to hire myself.
She is very personable and patient and went the extra mile at every opportunity.

Im also very please to say that I have secured work and with out any doubt she played a strong part in that.

Thanks Kaidi

Andy Neal - Lecturer/Entrepreneur

I saw Kaidi for Career Coaching
Kaidi – thanks for being honest. Thanks for not holding back on the difficult questions. Thanks for pushing me beyond what was comfortable without overwhelming me. Thanks for listening so well. Thanks for giving me space when I needed it. Thanks for believing in a point beyond my horizon – even when I couldn’t see it myself. Thanks for helping me reconnect with the things I love and helping me find language to redefine my career.

Anna Lewis - Social Worker

I highly recommend Kaidi at synergise coaching. She uses honesty, and empathy to help you identify your goals, and explore how to achieve them. Kaidi has helped me to dream bigger, and have confidence in my ability to achieve my goals.

"Kaidi served as my mentor coach when I went through my ICF and Co-active coaching certifications. As a new coach at the time, Kaidi was patient yet challenging keeping me firmly grounded in pure coaching techniques so that I expanded my range as a coach - even when it felt uncomfortable. In addition to being an excellent coach, Kaidi always went above and beyond to answer any questions I had about the business side of coaching, which helped me consider how to build a bigger coaching footprint into my company as I went. I highly recommend Kaidi."

Mentoring For ICF PCC
Jenn - LinkedIN

" Since a young age, I've always been an ambitious person, driven to learn and improve to reach my goals. In my early 20's, I studied Engineering to Masters level and began my career as an engineer and project manager jet setting around Europe, as well as being a very keen cyclist entering endurance events. In these areas of my life, I felt I was making great progress towards my goals. I could see the results for my efforts and was gaining a lot of satisfaction in the process... However, I felt parts of my personal life and development were still at the starting block. I often didn't have the confidence to do or go for what I wanted if things were out of my comfort zones, and employing the excellent problem solving skills I had developed in my career, wasn't allowing me to make sense of things either. By the time I was 31 years old, I had become totally stuck and was not able to see any way forward. I realised that I needed support and help to get past my struggles. I decided to research coaches, and came across Kaidi Bowen. I reached out to her, explained where I was at, and asked if she would be able to help me. I have to admit, I was somewhat sceptical that she could be the solution. But I thought I needed to give it a go. We setup an initial Zoom call, and I elaborated on the struggles I was facing. She really put me at ease, and from the very first session delivered great insight and I learnt new things about myself. I decided to keep going with her, and after several sessions, I found she was really having an impact. Not only was I regaining my confidence, but she was really helping me to build on and discover new limits to my self-confidence, with roots and foundations that my logical brain couldn't counteract or dismantle. In going through coaching sessions with her, I was steadily becoming clearer about what I wanted, and I was steadily and further building up my confidence. After a few months, what was unexpected was that I had either forgotten about or made peace with the limiting beliefs that were holding me back, and I was truly moving on with my life. I was now making decisions across all parts of my life that were right for me and that aligned with my values. Before I started coaching with her, I was not fully aware of the insecurities that were limiting my growth, and that were preventing me from going for what I wanted. She helped me to discover what these were, and in many ways, gave me the tools to get out of my head and make decisions. Kaidi helped me massively. I'm forever grateful and I am very glad I got in touch with her. I would highly recommend getting in touch with her, to see if she can help you as much as she helped me."

Sean Rice